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Hurricane Helene Devastation, Trump Calls for the Death Penalty for “Anti-Semitism”, Middle East Regional War Settling In

ITEL returned after a 2 week hiatus due to international travel. It is hard to keep a live show schedule during travel times and this was an exceptionally challenging trip.

So from the Philippines, we returned with a good show that highlighted some of the realities of China, how the country is clean, pricing for transportation and food are in check, there is no crime, and quite a lot of other attributes that make the country a pretty relaxing and pleasant place to visit. Now I do admit, all the cameras everywhere are rather unsettling. I think it has something to do with quantum mechanics and the reality that the observer affects the observed as well and hence there is never really a feeling of freedom as one knows that ones actions are influenced by the observer.

But as my colleague said, from a national security point of view, without such control measures it becomes almost impossible to control such a large territory and people. I guess. China is certainly better than pretty much every major city in America that is under siege from nearly every dark Alphabet Agency ever created.

Turning the United States, it seems that the heart of the Confederate South was targeted by a weaponized hurricane with the epicenter of destruction just happening to be Ashley, NC, the location where Blackrock, Inc, the insider trading Jewish mega financial management company, just happened to secure rights to lithium mines located in the area.

Blackbird9 from N. Cackilacki joined in to discuss details of the run up to and the evolving catastrophe in the American Southeast.

Turning to the King of the Jews and the world, Donald Trump, we discussed Trumps latest immersion into mouthing ADL talking points as he stressed that there needs to be a death penalty for “anti-Semitism”. Yeah. Nothing says MAGA more than telling Americans to bow down to Jewish political, cultural, and economical domination in an environment where this domination can be visibly seen to be destroying the United States and much of Western civilization as well.

The show closed with an observation that Israel has been given a free reign to rain havoc, death, and destruction on Iranian interests in Syria. One can juxtapose what the United States would do if a sovereign nation was raining destruction on US interests in a foreign country and how this same US constantly implores the Iranians to not “expand the conflict” and to “refrain from reacting” in a way that could plunge the Middle East into even more carnage.

Well. The Iranians seem to have had enough of this one way take a beating and hold one’s punches. Iran has officially stated that the days of unilateral holding back in the face of Jewish aggression against Iranian interests are.

With a barrage of around 190 missiles targeting Israel’s F-35 Navatim Air Base and the F-15 Tel Nof Airbase in central Israel.

The key issue is this: delay by Iran simply exacerbates the problem by encouraging Israel to continue to act recklessly. Delays perhaps enabled the exploding pager incident to be pulled off without too much concern. Perhaps the delay allowed Israel to plan and execute the assassination of Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah.

Whatever the case, the days of Jewish impunity are coming to an end and with that, the geopolitical dynamic will be changed, perhaps for the better, for the foreseeable future.

You can hear the entire show here:

ITEL Radio Full Show – 10.5.2024


Posted in Guests

Frederick Blackburn – Updates from NC and Hurricane Helene

Inside the Eye – Live! returned back to a live schedule from Laguna Province in the Philippines. Frederick Blackburn, aka BB9, host of Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9 on the Republic Broadcasting Network, joined from N. Cackilacki, aka North Carolina, to discuss his experience with living through hurricanes, and then highlighted what made Hurricane Helene so uniquely different.

With POTS (plain old telephone service), data, and cell phone towers largely destroyed across a large swath of territory in N. Carolina, Frederick was fortunate to be near a 5g tower that was still operating and so was able be coordinate rescue operations in his area,

Problem with FEMA, Jewish intrigue surroundng lithium mines, the rise of woke culture and its effects on disaster recovery, and the more chilling idea that weather is being weaponized to take out the heart of the old Confederate South all made its way into this information packed show.

You can hear the entire interview here:

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Saturday Night Snack Shack with Blackbird9 on RBN
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