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Force-Multipiers and the Information Battle Space – ITEL Full Show – 6.30.24

The June 29, 2024 show was riddled with technical issues. It appeared the stream was experiencing interference and so the output (network stream) was rather choppy. Additionally, we experience persistent microphone disconnects at the USB port level, but for the most part, recovered the stream without major loss of time.

So the attached audio stream may appear somewhat “redacted”, but all the edits are due to eliminate the technical issues as best as possible.

The show began with a focus on the early days of the digital battle space. Community forums of all sizes, but of course a focus on the larger audience sites, was where the formative messaging to combat neo-Marxists, and of course, the strategy for neo-Marxists to troll and remove content, was formed. Total lack of civility was endemic in the early digital battle space. The attempt by Neo-Marxists early on was to simply eliminate opposing views to what was an intended effort for Jewish political framing to dominate the digital space.

Today, the “truth movement”, the “patriot movement”, and the “Nationalist movements” all exist within a large bubble. The overton window has shifted, but the fact remains that the enemy has managed to confine opposing narratives within a bubble. Some narratives, like pro-European Nationalist messaging remain bubbles within bubbles, with each bubble growing owing to the shifting on overton windows.

With Steve Bannon heading to jail as a literal political prisoner, and others simply “checking-out”, we heard comments from both Steve Bannon and Lara Logan reminding people to not check out, to be force multipliers, to contribute digital and terrestrial information battle spaces.

Other elements of the show included some commentary on the Trump-Biden presidential “debate” and the reality that no matter how MAGA Trump wants to go, his Zionist inclinations will ensure failure for the United States in the global arena.

You can hear the entire show here.

ITEL Radio Full Show – 6.29.24

Posted in Guests

Kenneth Schmidt – The Current State of Nationalist Politics – 6.15.24

Kenneth Schmidt, from Nationalist News and Views, joined Inside the Eye – Live! to discuss Nationalist Party successes in the latest EU Parliamentary elections.

You can catch the video version of the interview here:

Posted in Show Archives

Saudi Ends Petrodollar, Philippines becomes Bellicose, Putin’s Peace Plan – ITEL Radio – 6.15.24

Continue reading “Saudi Ends Petrodollar, Philippines becomes Bellicose, Putin’s Peace Plan – ITEL Radio – 6.15.24”

Posted in Show Archives

The AIPAC Guy – ITEL Radio Full Show – 6.8.2024

Thomas Massie and the “AIPAC Guy”

Cynthia McKinney, a former Congresswoman from the State of Georgia, broke the rather then silent pact that American politicians have with the State of Israel in that American politicians are encouraged, indeed pressured, to sign what are essentially “loyalty oaths” binding American politicians to a foreign nation.  Thomas Massie (R, KY) in an interview with Tucker Carlson on the Tucker Carlson Network, revealed an even more sordid behind the scenes reality regarding Jewish dominance of the American political machinery.

In what Massie jokingly, yet poignantly, revealed is that essentially every Republican in the United States House of Representatives and Senate have what is known as “an AIPAC guy”, an AIPAC babysitter of sorts, or perhaps a handler, who is responsible for monitoring and influencing the direction of American representatives votes such that votes are always channeled in favor of Israel and what is “good for Jews”.

Who knew?  The AIPAC Guy?  Tucker didn’t know of this, and frankly, we didn’t either.  A great bit of insight from Rep Massie (R, KY).

You can catch the interview with Tucker beginning at the AIPAC segment here.

Trump Waxes that Jews are Losing Power

While Thomas Massie was exposing the AIPAC guy with Tucker Carlson, Trump was with fellow Israel-firster shill Sean Hannity to complain that Jews don’t have nearly enough power in Congress, are continuing to lose support, and essentially dismissing genuine America first sentiments to that of an association with “the Squad’ of leftists activists and pro-Palestinian voices as Rashid Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez.

Frankly, Trump’s performance was disgusting, pathetic, and somewhat disturbing at the same time.  Just as Jewish power is waning, Trump is being rushed to the fore to shore up American support for Israel even as Israel’s own arrogance, hubris, and stupidity are converging to turn nearly the entire civilized world against the ethnic theocratic state known as “Israel”.

You can hear the entire show here: