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Trump Attends the “Fighting Anti-Semitism” Conference

Let’s just start calling “spades” “spades”, “tyranny” “tyrannt”, and Jewish efforts to destroy the underpinning value of “free speech” is in effect a declaration of war by Jewish political interests against Western civilization itself. The primary weapon Jews are using sideline opposition in the West is to advance agendas that “fight anti-Semitism”

And then we have the “Hopium crowd”, the “Trust the Plan” crowd, the people that believe Trump is going to “save the day”

The observable is more clear” Trump is aligned with the “fight anti-Semitism” agenda, which means that Trump is all in on the efforts by Jewish people to lord over and destroy the very fabric of Western civilization.

In this episode, we analyze the opening statement of the “Fighting Anti-Semitism Conference” where President Trump was the keynote speaker.

What we learned is that Jews have been removed from so many countries “because of their religion”, which means that Judaism at the very core is simply incompatible with Western civilization and so Jews believe that they must destroy freedom of speech and association within Western societies.

You can hear the entire show here”

ITEL Radio Full Show – 8.24.24