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Hurricane Helene Devastation, Trump Calls for the Death Penalty for “Anti-Semitism”, Middle East Regional War Settling In

ITEL returned after a 2 week hiatus due to international travel. It is hard to keep a live show schedule during travel times and this was an exceptionally challenging trip.

So from the Philippines, we returned with a good show that highlighted some of the realities of China, how the country is clean, pricing for transportation and food are in check, there is no crime, and quite a lot of other attributes that make the country a pretty relaxing and pleasant place to visit. Now I do admit, all the cameras everywhere are rather unsettling. I think it has something to do with quantum mechanics and the reality that the observer affects the observed as well and hence there is never really a feeling of freedom as one knows that ones actions are influenced by the observer.

But as my colleague said, from a national security point of view, without such control measures it becomes almost impossible to control such a large territory and people. I guess. China is certainly better than pretty much every major city in America that is under siege from nearly every dark Alphabet Agency ever created.

Turning the United States, it seems that the heart of the Confederate South was targeted by a weaponized hurricane with the epicenter of destruction just happening to be Ashley, NC, the location where Blackrock, Inc, the insider trading Jewish mega financial management company, just happened to secure rights to lithium mines located in the area.

Blackbird9 from N. Cackilacki joined in to discuss details of the run up to and the evolving catastrophe in the American Southeast.

Turning to the King of the Jews and the world, Donald Trump, we discussed Trumps latest immersion into mouthing ADL talking points as he stressed that there needs to be a death penalty for “anti-Semitism”. Yeah. Nothing says MAGA more than telling Americans to bow down to Jewish political, cultural, and economical domination in an environment where this domination can be visibly seen to be destroying the United States and much of Western civilization as well.

The show closed with an observation that Israel has been given a free reign to rain havoc, death, and destruction on Iranian interests in Syria. One can juxtapose what the United States would do if a sovereign nation was raining destruction on US interests in a foreign country and how this same US constantly implores the Iranians to not “expand the conflict” and to “refrain from reacting” in a way that could plunge the Middle East into even more carnage.

Well. The Iranians seem to have had enough of this one way take a beating and hold one’s punches. Iran has officially stated that the days of unilateral holding back in the face of Jewish aggression against Iranian interests are.

With a barrage of around 190 missiles targeting Israel’s F-35 Navatim Air Base and the F-15 Tel Nof Airbase in central Israel.

The key issue is this: delay by Iran simply exacerbates the problem by encouraging Israel to continue to act recklessly. Delays perhaps enabled the exploding pager incident to be pulled off without too much concern. Perhaps the delay allowed Israel to plan and execute the assassination of Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah.

Whatever the case, the days of Jewish impunity are coming to an end and with that, the geopolitical dynamic will be changed, perhaps for the better, for the foreseeable future.

You can hear the entire show here:

ITEL Radio Full Show – 10.5.2024


Posted in Guests

Frederick Blackburn – Updates from NC and Hurricane Helene

Inside the Eye – Live! returned back to a live schedule from Laguna Province in the Philippines. Frederick Blackburn, aka BB9, host of Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9 on the Republic Broadcasting Network, joined from N. Cackilacki, aka North Carolina, to discuss his experience with living through hurricanes, and then highlighted what made Hurricane Helene so uniquely different.

With POTS (plain old telephone service), data, and cell phone towers largely destroyed across a large swath of territory in N. Carolina, Frederick was fortunate to be near a 5g tower that was still operating and so was able be coordinate rescue operations in his area,

Problem with FEMA, Jewish intrigue surroundng lithium mines, the rise of woke culture and its effects on disaster recovery, and the more chilling idea that weather is being weaponized to take out the heart of the old Confederate South all made its way into this information packed show.

You can hear the entire interview here:

Blackbird9’s Links

Blackbird0 on RBN
Saturday Night Snack Shack with Blackbird9 on RBN
Email Contact:

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“The Great Replacement” Takes Center Stage, Solution: 1933

The Kalergi Plan, the Great Replacement, the planned and systematic genocide of Western civilization made its way front and center thanks to Tucker Carlson whose guest, historian Darryl Cooper, in a segment where he mentioned that the English are about to lose the tiny spec of land on the planet that was the sole spec of land dedicated to the preservation and elevation of the English experience, to which Tucker responded that the same is happening in Denmark, Germany, France, in fact the entire West.

All of this takes us back in time of Bob Whittaker and the Bug Swarm with such phrases as “Diversity is a code word for White genocide”. With a little research, one soon gets lead into the Kalergi Plan and the genocide of Western civilization.

Tucker is not wrong when he says that what is happening is exceedingly sinister to the point calling for new Nuremburg type trials.

Such holds true for the immigration adherents, but too to the medical industry that has too been busy genociding and laying the foundation for larger genocides of Western populations.

But as Darryl said, “We have to win first”.  Then we can implement the solution.  Nuremburg trials and 1933.

Other issues within this show included a discussion on Western business competitiveness, the failures of the US State Department, nationalism and economics, and America’s MIGA (Make Israel Great Again) foreign policy.

Candace Owens came out with a great sound bite about the Synogogue of Satan…

But to improve our lot, we have to politically win.  The alternative is a kinetic solution, and few want to see a Ukraine style extended ground war.

We have to win…

Listen to the show here:

Inside the Eye – Live! – 9.7.24

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Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov Arrested, War on Privacy and Speech Intensifies – ITEL – 8.31.23

The war on free speech and personal privacy continues to intensify as Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, is arrested in France.  Truth be told, those who oppose free speech and have a psychopathic need to impose themselves on others through violating a person’s privacy are at base, simply psychopathic, but at a larger geopolitical level, clearly enemies of Western civilization.

And one has to wonder.  Where are the people’s “red lines”.  Certainly a government agency, regardless, that actively engages in censorship, anti-free speech activities, or worse within this vein, are simply enemies of the West.  Technically, they are employed by the citizens to conduct the business of the people, not to erect barriers that stifle the political environment.

With Pavel Durov’s arrest, the UAE cancelled, or at least put on hold, a EU 10 billion contract for French Rafale Fighters.

The ironic point to all this is that in purportedly “tyrannical societies as Saudi Arabia”, a person experiences far greater liberties on speech than a regular citizen in any Western nation, especially those with strong Jewish infiltration.

The news is getting out: the West is becoming totalitarian and guests are not welcome while the Jewish establishment installs its aural curtain that silences all voices opposed to Jewish infiltration and power.

You can hear the entire show here:

ITEL Radio Full Show – 8.31.24


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Trump Attends the “Fighting Anti-Semitism” Conference

Let’s just start calling “spades” “spades”, “tyranny” “tyrannt”, and Jewish efforts to destroy the underpinning value of “free speech” is in effect a declaration of war by Jewish political interests against Western civilization itself. The primary weapon Jews are using sideline opposition in the West is to advance agendas that “fight anti-Semitism”

And then we have the “Hopium crowd”, the “Trust the Plan” crowd, the people that believe Trump is going to “save the day”

The observable is more clear” Trump is aligned with the “fight anti-Semitism” agenda, which means that Trump is all in on the efforts by Jewish people to lord over and destroy the very fabric of Western civilization.

In this episode, we analyze the opening statement of the “Fighting Anti-Semitism Conference” where President Trump was the keynote speaker.

What we learned is that Jews have been removed from so many countries “because of their religion”, which means that Judaism at the very core is simply incompatible with Western civilization and so Jews believe that they must destroy freedom of speech and association within Western societies.

You can hear the entire show here”

ITEL Radio Full Show – 8.24.24

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While the West Dithers….ITEL – 8.17.24

We have become inundated with protracted whining from Western political and business leaders about China’s business dealings with the world. Frankly, at this stage, it is time for Western leaders to simply shut their mouths and swallow the fact that as political and business elites, they are simply too ideologically driven to compete. You see, while the West has wasted countless 100’s of billions and perhaps trillions of dollars on promoting useless projects as LBGTQ, mass immigration, and the oh so expensive failing venture in Ukraine, not to mention conspiring with Big Pharma and the health industry to inject the population with deadly gene/DNA lipid nano-particles that has resulted in massive loss of life and growing disabilities, China has for decades now been building up their infrastructure into an efficient,and dare we say, cost effective and efficient infrastructure system.

This past late Feb through early March, I was fortunate enough to have some business in Shanghai and frankly was impressed. The city was clean, the suburbs easily reachable by a network of light rail transit (above and below ground). Moving to longer distances, one could hop on a fast train that too was organized into a spoke network with Shanghai as the hub. From the fast train, one could travel to more distant and strategic cities in a relative short time, leaving in the morning and returning to one’s hotel by the evening.

In the the meantime, an incompetent Western political elite continues to whine and threaten or impose “sanctions” on China that, for the most part, are designed to mask Western failures.

Of course, what is really in play is the divergence between two ideological channels: the collective West is led Globalist acolytes, by definition, a rootless, morally decreptic, treasonous elite. On the other hand, in spite of China’s seeming shortcomings, the nation is largely Nationalist driven.

The future belongs to Nationalists and not to Globalists.

Meanwhile, on the rulers of the Western World, aka, the Jewish/Israel front, the mask has fallen off. People get it. Israels (aka Jews) are total a-holes. Sadistic, perverted, twisted, psychopathic are all adjectives to describe a vast majority of people who consider themselves to be “Jews”. Such perversions are so prevalent, it almost appears that the word “Jew” is just a shortened code word for all the vile evils that exist within the human exper

But the real puzzle is the number of otherwise decent people who become like zombies and support the Jewish state and Jewish people unequivocally with Trump being at the very pinnacle of the pyramid. It is as if the manifestation of evil as it presents itself through the Jewish idea has been capable of blinding people into supporting the very real manifestation of evil itself.

This episode of ITEL went out over ITEL’s Telegram account as Revolution Radio’s server is being moved and still undergoing some configuration technical issues. To follow “The Fetch” and Inside the Eye – Live! on Telegram, follow this link:

Radio ITEL Official Telegram Account

You can hear the entire show here:

ITEL Radio Full Show – 8.17.24


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Two-Tier Keir Goes Full Cheka – ITEL – 8.10.24

It appears that UK’s Deep State has declared open war on the British people and British traditions. As the narrative goes, a Rwandan teenager that appeared on some BBC programming stabbed 10 girls attending a Taylor Swift dance party. 3 of the girls were said to have died.

But let’s put on our tin-foil hats.

If such a stabbing happened, statistically speaking, would have been carried out by a Muslim immigrant, many of whom appear to be highly radicalized. So social media ran with the statistics, but the stabbing was purported carried out by a not so unknown Christian Rwandan. That is a “gotcha”.

Using this “gotcha” as a pretext, Two-Tier Keir and his Communist henchmen, raised the spectre of “disinformation” and the need for social media companies to become de-facto organs of the government and engage in total censorship to “fight disinformation”. Second, Two-Tier Keir used the reaction to the stabbing event (perhaps a psych warfare event?) to create a chilling environment in which political opposition to the ongoing Communist colonial operation in the UK may find themselves jailed.

And the political repression through imprisoning political opposition, already in practice subsurface, has not taken front and center stage in British politics.

However, the truth of the matter is that Two-Tier Keir is really only supported by a minority of those permitted to vote in the UK. He has no sweeping mandate to totally upset and overturn a millennia of British political tradition.

Which then brings us to the core of the story.

The United Kingdom is under a foreign, be it “globalist”, or “Friends of Israel”, occupation. The whole project is a Communist takeover of the UK with the intent to totally colonize the country and then replace the indigenous Brits, Scots, Irish, and so forth. Pure power play. Colonize the country and strip it bare; the replacement population is largely too low IQ to present much of a defense and are best put to use cleansing out the indigenous people.

The real question will remain…will the British Isles put up with such an overt, in your face assault on their very basic freedoms. Bets are they will…but only for a time…

Listen here:

Inside the Eye – Live! Full Show – 8.10.24


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The Woke (Communist) Olympics Promotes Violence Against Women – ITEL – 8.3.24

The “Woke” Communist Summer Olympic Games in Paris seems to have opened a stirring in the Christian community as a large number of Christian social media accounts openly raised the alarm and voiced their disgust at what was an opening ceremony put forward by a homosexual Jewish Zionist sponsoring whack job that, who, under the banner of “inclusivity”, chose to openly mock nearly half of the planet’s religious beliefs in what was just another example. hThen the games began, and the IOC, in woke Communist prescience, put forward an edict that now allows men to legally “compete” against women in the boxing ring.

In truth, allowing me to compete against women, and especially in the form of contact sports, is at the core simply glorifying and promoting violence against women. Why women elect to go into the ring and be a prop for this violent agenda women is beyond me, but in these Olympics, we had two fights: Taiwanese Ling Ting Yu and Algerian Imane Khelif, both clearly men, were allowed into the ring to commit violence against women.

Both are clearly men.

The IOC gaslights that there is no clear evidence that each are men and than any complaints is just “hate speech”, another useless term weaponized to silence people.

Women need to stop being stage props for an agenda that clearly has put women in the crosshairs in a willful agenda that glorifying violence against women via the platform called “sport”.

In geopolitics, Israel went on an extraordinary killing spree, hitting a top Hezbollah military leader and the leader of Hamas’ political wing, Haniyah, while Haniyah was in Tehran for the inauguration ceremony for the incoming Iranian president. Tehran has vowed revenge and a response. The world waits.

Riots in the UK by the the British against another mass killing of British citizens at the hands of globalist mercenary invaders rapidly showed the totalitarian hand of the occupying government in London as Keir Starmer threatens all out civil war against the British after the British rose up against invader violence.

Perhaps this is the start of what is a total pushback against anti-British globalist policies.

Lots more in this show – listen here.

ITEL Radio Full Show – 8.3.24


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Netanyahu Speaks before Joint Session of Congress

The organized criminal gang known as the United State’s Congress entertained a speech by the family Godfather, Benjamin Netanyahu, otherwise known as the Prime Minister of the rogue colony for international Jewry, aka, Israel. Netanyah’s speech, filled with lies and deceptions, was dutifully cheered on by what seemed a childish, slavish, groveling Congress.

Netanyahu’s speech was actually quite short, perhaps 20 minutes, but the literal “ovations” and “standing ovations”, totally something like 59 times, at up an additional 30-35 minutes. Now we did not put a timer to the two elements, but with Congress literally cheering and clapping after EVERY SINGLE line uttered by Netanyahu showed childish, lame, and absurd behavior in what should be the highest legislative branch in the land.

Frankly, the entire display was embarrassing: first in Netanyahu thinking he is a serious orator, and second, in that Congressional members treated Netanyahu as if was a serious orator. Nothing like being slapped in the face by lies and deceptions and then cheering on the person slapping you in face.

Completely lame.

Moving to the 2024 Parisian Olympic Games, the oft Illuminati symbol signaling Opening Ceremony hardly hid disdain for Christianity. Nudity, transgender freakazoids, a depiction of an end of times “pale horse”, and an in your face mockery of “The Last Supper”, as some fat, Jewish, lesbian slob depicted Jesus surrounded by 12 crossdressing men clearly demonstrated the disdain the Jewish choreographer harbors for the Christian faith.

The controversy went global and viral (as would be expected) as Christians took to social media to voice their disdain. In the end, Christians will need to decide how they are to respond to what is clearly a hostile social environment inculcated by the political class.

Anti-Christianity needs to carry with it the same punishing venom as those who use the charge of “anti-Semitism”.

Meanwhile, the Covid mRNA mass murder machine marches on…

Listen here:

ITEL Radio Full Show – 7.27.24


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The Attempted Assassination of Trump – ITEL – 7.20.24

Anytime there is a “mass psychosis event”, typically known as “false flags”, I tend to stay a bit quiet as I see no need to bother giving a fake event any my energy. Like, whey are we speaking about a fake event?

Well, this past week we saw what appeared to be an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Now, let’s be honest, Donald Trump is a very successful actor; he even managed to get through many seasons of simply firing people on television without himself too being fired. However, on the attempted assassination, I To bwas take to task for not seeing the obvious fakery.

Okay. For me, what I saw was an attempted assassination and I went live with that. Even more so, I went on to the extreme conspiracy of things, stating that was this not just an attempted assassination, but the timing of taking down the patsy had to wait till the REAL shooter, perhaps on “the water tower”, first came out with the shot.

To be truthful, what took me in was simply studying Trump and his eyes. He seemed a bit disoriented by the whole affair, and the absurdity of how it all went down points to either gross incompetence or complicity.

But to the credit of those who say it was all fake, here is something to consider.

As always. Where were the ambulances? Was an autopsy report made out.

To those who trust that an attempt on Trump’s life is legit, we can ask “Why did CNN chose to live stream this event, of all events that Trump has put on? This event was literally the smallest event on Trump’s massive schedule and the venue was in about as far into the hinterlands and still be in a bit of suburbia. The place was isolated.

For me, I am waiting for the bandage to come off. A bit of ear had better still be missing.

ITEL Full Show – 7.20.24