Inside the Eye – Live! Full Show – 3.29/25 – Former Philippine’s President Duterte sent to the Hague. Reality setting in for Trump and the Ukraine Conflict. Guest, hour 2 – Steve Whitener, RBN Host of Thoughtcrime Live. Guest Hour 3 – Pastor Eli James
Month: September 2024
“The Great Replacement” Takes Center Stage, Solution: 1933
The Kalergi Plan, the Great Replacement, the planned and systematic genocide of Western civilization made its way front and center thanks to Tucker Carlson whose guest, historian Darryl Cooper, in a segment where he mentioned that the English are about to lose the tiny spec of land on the planet that was the sole spec of land dedicated to the preservation and elevation of the English experience, to which Tucker responded that the same is happening in Denmark, Germany, France, in fact the entire West.
All of this takes us back in time of Bob Whittaker and the Bug Swarm with such phrases as “Diversity is a code word for White genocide”. With a little research, one soon gets lead into the Kalergi Plan and the genocide of Western civilization.
Tucker is not wrong when he says that what is happening is exceedingly sinister to the point calling for new Nuremburg type trials.
Such holds true for the immigration adherents, but too to the medical industry that has too been busy genociding and laying the foundation for larger genocides of Western populations.
But as Darryl said, “We have to win first”. Then we can implement the solution. Nuremburg trials and 1933.
Other issues within this show included a discussion on Western business competitiveness, the failures of the US State Department, nationalism and economics, and America’s MIGA (Make Israel Great Again) foreign policy.
Candace Owens came out with a great sound bite about the Synogogue of Satan…
But to improve our lot, we have to politically win. The alternative is a kinetic solution, and few want to see a Ukraine style extended ground war.
We have to win…
Listen to the show here:
Inside the Eye – Live! – 9.7.24
Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov Arrested, War on Privacy and Speech Intensifies – ITEL – 8.31.23
The war on free speech and personal privacy continues to intensify as Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, is arrested in France. Truth be told, those who oppose free speech and have a psychopathic need to impose themselves on others through violating a person’s privacy are at base, simply psychopathic, but at a larger geopolitical level, clearly enemies of Western civilization.
And one has to wonder. Where are the people’s “red lines”. Certainly a government agency, regardless, that actively engages in censorship, anti-free speech activities, or worse within this vein, are simply enemies of the West. Technically, they are employed by the citizens to conduct the business of the people, not to erect barriers that stifle the political environment.
With Pavel Durov’s arrest, the UAE cancelled, or at least put on hold, a EU 10 billion contract for French Rafale Fighters.
The ironic point to all this is that in purportedly “tyrannical societies as Saudi Arabia”, a person experiences far greater liberties on speech than a regular citizen in any Western nation, especially those with strong Jewish infiltration.
The news is getting out: the West is becoming totalitarian and guests are not welcome while the Jewish establishment installs its aural curtain that silences all voices opposed to Jewish infiltration and power.
You can hear the entire show here:
ITEL Radio Full Show – 8.31.24
Trump Attends the “Fighting Anti-Semitism” Conference
Let’s just start calling “spades” “spades”, “tyranny” “tyrannt”, and Jewish efforts to destroy the underpinning value of “free speech” is in effect a declaration of war by Jewish political interests against Western civilization itself. The primary weapon Jews are using sideline opposition in the West is to advance agendas that “fight anti-Semitism”
And then we have the “Hopium crowd”, the “Trust the Plan” crowd, the people that believe Trump is going to “save the day”
The observable is more clear” Trump is aligned with the “fight anti-Semitism” agenda, which means that Trump is all in on the efforts by Jewish people to lord over and destroy the very fabric of Western civilization.
In this episode, we analyze the opening statement of the “Fighting Anti-Semitism Conference” where President Trump was the keynote speaker.
What we learned is that Jews have been removed from so many countries “because of their religion”, which means that Judaism at the very core is simply incompatible with Western civilization and so Jews believe that they must destroy freedom of speech and association within Western societies.
You can hear the entire show here”
ITEL Radio Full Show – 8.24.24