Anytime there is a “mass psychosis event”, typically known as “false flags”, I tend to stay a bit quiet as I see no need to bother giving a fake event any my energy. Like, whey are we speaking about a fake event?
Well, this past week we saw what appeared to be an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Now, let’s be honest, Donald Trump is a very successful actor; he even managed to get through many seasons of simply firing people on television without himself too being fired. However, on the attempted assassination, I To bwas take to task for not seeing the obvious fakery.
Okay. For me, what I saw was an attempted assassination and I went live with that. Even more so, I went on to the extreme conspiracy of things, stating that was this not just an attempted assassination, but the timing of taking down the patsy had to wait till the REAL shooter, perhaps on “the water tower”, first came out with the shot.
To be truthful, what took me in was simply studying Trump and his eyes. He seemed a bit disoriented by the whole affair, and the absurdity of how it all went down points to either gross incompetence or complicity.
But to the credit of those who say it was all fake, here is something to consider.
As always. Where were the ambulances? Was an autopsy report made out.
To those who trust that an attempt on Trump’s life is legit, we can ask “Why did CNN chose to live stream this event, of all events that Trump has put on? This event was literally the smallest event on Trump’s massive schedule and the venue was in about as far into the hinterlands and still be in a bit of suburbia. The place was isolated.
For me, I am waiting for the bandage to come off. A bit of ear had better still be missing.