It appears that UK’s Deep State has declared open war on the British people and British traditions. As the narrative goes, a Rwandan teenager that appeared on some BBC programming stabbed 10 girls attending a Taylor Swift dance party. 3 of the girls were said to have died.
But let’s put on our tin-foil hats.
If such a stabbing happened, statistically speaking, would have been carried out by a Muslim immigrant, many of whom appear to be highly radicalized. So social media ran with the statistics, but the stabbing was purported carried out by a not so unknown Christian Rwandan. That is a “gotcha”.
Using this “gotcha” as a pretext, Two-Tier Keir and his Communist henchmen, raised the spectre of “disinformation” and the need for social media companies to become de-facto organs of the government and engage in total censorship to “fight disinformation”. Second, Two-Tier Keir used the reaction to the stabbing event (perhaps a psych warfare event?) to create a chilling environment in which political opposition to the ongoing Communist colonial operation in the UK may find themselves jailed.
And the political repression through imprisoning political opposition, already in practice subsurface, has not taken front and center stage in British politics.
However, the truth of the matter is that Two-Tier Keir is really only supported by a minority of those permitted to vote in the UK. He has no sweeping mandate to totally upset and overturn a millennia of British political tradition.
Which then brings us to the core of the story.
The United Kingdom is under a foreign, be it “globalist”, or “Friends of Israel”, occupation. The whole project is a Communist takeover of the UK with the intent to totally colonize the country and then replace the indigenous Brits, Scots, Irish, and so forth. Pure power play. Colonize the country and strip it bare; the replacement population is largely too low IQ to present much of a defense and are best put to use cleansing out the indigenous people.
The real question will remain…will the British Isles put up with such an overt, in your face assault on their very basic freedoms. Bets are they will…but only for a time…
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